Your Blingy Konfident Radio Diva is back! It's been almost 2 years since I wrote anything here. Ive been writing in my journal but I miss expressing myself with my Bling Radio Family! The break was much needed, but it's over now! No more lacking! It's about to be an interesting & blingtastic ride! I've started taking courses to be a Certified Life Coach, Im just about finished and I'm very excited about this journey! As of today, Feb. 1st 2015 I will continue to spread love and positivity through my words and thoughts.
You will be able to feel the words I write in my blogs come off of your laptops and phone screens. You will be able to envision the photos I post as if you were there! You will be able to smell the food that I post. Dance with me as I play the music.... You can live vicariously through me because I will be doing food reviews, business reviews, music reviews, and traveling covering events that I always wanted to cover this year from Huntsville, Alabama to the other side of this country!
Im going to do a tour of Huntsville because everyone keep asking me what is here and why am I here. Im here because this is where GOD has led me to be. I promise its all him because Im a City girl from the Westside of Chicago and I never question the Lord because he has never failed me and being here has been life changing and some of the best days of my life!
My radio schedule for this month is full! You can come here to the blog and check the schedule or check the radio schedule with links to each guest on the show by clicking on the BRS Features tab. Im looking forward to connecting with and inspiring you!
Blingy LUV!
~Konfident Miss Bling~