Have you been following the show with me? So much is going on within the family and I have been on the edge of my plush blingy blue love seat waiting to see if they are going to follow through with their liquid diets and get the surgery with Dr. Procter. Click the link to see this blingsclusive footage from tomorrow's episode....
Tomorrow night (Wednesday) at 10/9c on TLC’s FAMILY BY THE TON, Naomi has been on her liquid diet for two weeks and it has been the hardest thing she has ever done. After almost giving in to stress and quitting, she decided to stick with it. Now it's time for her to finally learn if she has lost twenty pounds and can have the weight loss surgery. Drew is also on his diet but, after a successful first weigh-in, decides that maybe he doesn't have to stick to the liquid diet as closely as the doctors say. Then, after the sudden death of a loved one, Chitoka does some serious soul-searching when her weight causes her to be unable to attend the funeral. She decides she can no longer live life trapped on her bed. Chitoka works with a physical trainer and challenges herself to walk to her living room. After much pain and struggle, will she be able to walk again?
We will be watching the show live at 10e/9c on TLC!
Blingy LUV,
Konfident Miss Bling