Blingy Greetings,
People have been asking me, "Miss Bling or Blingy, what is BlingVember?" BlingVember is actually November in Bling's world! Blingvember is considered my official month to go into Blingy Hibernation Mode which I start fading to Black... or should I say fading to Bling after my Blingy Birthday! Yes, it's about that time y'all! I'll be on the scene at a minimum, but still keeping up updated on what's going on through my reliable sources from across the nation!
I'm sitting in the HBO Headquarters... Home Blingy Office thinking about a lot of things! How can I switch this up? When should I do this or that? Who would I add to the Bling Team this or next year? What would be the new addition to my brand? Well, I have a lot going on and I was reminded that anythings in the arts helps to relax me. Writing, Painting, Recording my vocals, Interviewing amazing people and singing are some of my favorite things to do. I will be writing more often. The original Bling Radio Show blog from 2008 was full of excitement! I was traveling and writing reviews about everything I've experience in the entertainment world.
Today, it hit me! My re-vision for the blingtastic blog is so clear! No schedule! No limits! No genre! Just pure uncut blogging and vlogging! Are you ready???... If you are not ready, I'm giving you a heads up! I will start writing between once a week to once a day. It's a lot that goes on in my day that I can share with you! The year is almost over and the end of the fourth quarter is near... What are your plans for 2017? Have you even started to plan for 2017 yet? I have some amazing things in store! I'll keep you posted! Have a Blingtastic week!
Blingy LUV!
Konfident Miss Bling